I was at a Primary Four-Blocks Workshop when I first heard the term "Tired Words". This refers to the words that students use FAR too often, especially in their writing. The ladies who ran the workshop directed us to this
link and the Tired Words poem. So I finally made my Tired Words display for my classroom. It is made from library pockets. each labeled with a different tired word (I chose 15).

During Read-Alouds and Mini-Lessons, I intend to purposefully seek out synonyms for these words and we will write them on popcicle sticks and put them in that pocket. When students are writing, they can go over to the chart, pick out a stick and take it to their desk so they can spell that word.
Also, check out
Mrs. Bainbridge's Class for her Organizational Checklists Giveaway. You only need to comment on the post. The contest closes Wednesday, so don't wait!
See You Soon!
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