Sunday, June 10, 2012

Professional Teaching Portfolios - Educational Documents

Welcome back to my series on Professional Teaching Portfolios. This is the third post. If you missed the first two, you can go back to learn about the "Introduction and Philosophy of Education" and "Resume and Reference Letters".

Today we will be delving into the "Educational Documents" section. This is a great place to keep your professional certificates and documents in one place. As with the rest of my portfolio, these pages are places in plastic sheet protectors. As a safety precaution, always use copies, not original documents. This is going to be traveling around with your to interviews, etc. and is far to easy to misplace. Keep the originals in a safe place, filed away and put a copy in your portfolio.

Here is a list of the documents I have included in my portfolio:
-my University Diplomas
-my Teaching Licenses (I have four for different provinces)
-Criminal Record Check
-University Transcript
-A List of Teachable Courses
-Dean's List Certificates
-Teacher Evaluation Reports from my Principal
-Certificates from PD Workshops

Keep it organized so that you can find it if you need to show a particular document. If you didn't get great marks on an exam, don't include it! This is supposed to show off your assets.

Have fun! 
See you soon!


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